For any of you that might be redditors, there is a new sub that you should check out. For a long time most of the “pyros” on reddit were gamers playing Team Fortress. Nothing against the game, in fact it is one of my favorites. This new sub r/realfireworks is dedicated to real fireworks of all size shape and kind. Follow the link to join conversation and post new content.
Tag Archives: 1.3g
New Show, Pyros on the Weather Channel
I was very excited to see a new show about professional pyrotechnicians, but I have to say I was more then a bit surprised by the channel it’s on. The Weather Channel is making an 8 episode series about pyros working around the world in various conditions. Looking forward to seeing this show. Check out the description below and link to the shows webpage.
From the Weather Channel Website
“Pyros” follows an elite team of pyro-technicians, led by Maude Furtado, at Montreal’s Groupe Fiatlux-Ampleman who battle greatly varying weather conditions while producing large-scale fireworks displays around the world. The group travels to exotic locations, powering through exhausting schedules and harsh weather, solving complex technical glitches on the fly, all with the intention to inspire and entertain the masses with the magic of fireworks. With tens of thousands of dollars on the line and hundreds of thousands of people expecting stunning skies, the group has no room for error. Whether it’s lighting off a fully loaded fireworks site by remote, trying to control explosions in wind just steps away from a crowded parade route, or the stress of setting up over 10 shows in one day, “Pyros” shows what it takes to play with fire and not get burned in the process. Produced by Omni Film Productions Ltd. (“Ice Pilots”), “Pyros” will feature 8x 60-minute episodes and premieres Tuesday, June 19, at 9 p.m. ET. ”
U of I Display Show
Recently I worked my second display show with EFI for the University of Idaho’s home coming celebrations. Here is how it all went down. Or I should say as best as I can remember. All the times should be read with an ish following as I am really only guessing from memory.
11:00pm October 6th – I checked with weather for the area. Some rain but sunny and in the 60s by 2:00pm. I have found that most often the reports for the next day tend to be at least mostly right…
6:30am October 7th – Left my house for the EFI warehouse. Why do I have to get up so early for something that always starts after dark?
7:00am – Detours and wrong turns, at this point I am thinking that I will be lucky to get to the warehouse before sundown!
7:25am – Wow I made it to the warehouse early. Not sure how that happened. Loaded up the truck, filled out some paperwork. Then on the road!
10:30am – After a few stops we have arrived. Great conversation on the road, maybe got in 5 words. Its ok Rich is a great storyteller. It was great getting to know him better.
10:45am – Some concern about the wind, however it should slow down as dark approaches. Rich talks it over with the Fire Marshal, and agrees to a test shot before the show to determine if the winds are calm enough. FYI it was freaking cold out!
1:00pm – Setup is almost done. Most of us agree that its now much colder and winder then when we arrived!
2:00pm – Setup is mostly done and its time to eat. Pictures below are round about that time. Click on the images to see em full size. Also what do you get when 5 guys eat chilly in the back of a an empty cargo truck?
8:00pm – Winds are all but gone now. Test shell goes up just as expected, and we have a green light for the show. Its now warmer then it has been all day, or maybe that was the chilly doing its thing?
9:00pm – Safety meeting, and crew assignments.
9:15pm – Show starts, hand lit for the main body. Some mines, comets, and roman candles are triggered electrically. No problems at all! Turned out to be a great show, and reminds me why I get up early in the morning to do this!
10:00pm – Clean up is done, head back home.
12:20am October 8th – Back at the warehouse.
1:00am – Back home. That was a good day!